Easiest Topic Related To An Issue Or Problem In Healthcare Organization To Write Essay About
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Common Perception of Juvenile Offenders Essay
The Common Perception of Juvenile Offenders - Essay Example The Certain explanation behind it can't be recognized carefully. Probably such conduct is empowered with the generalizations, basic for police and legal hearers and is established in the past where the subjugation and convictions of blacks being not as sharp as whites and significantly more forceful were wide-spread. Broad communications is additionally liable to impact such perspective, depicting the underhanded idea of Black adolescent guilty parties and the confused at this point still blameless nature of White adolescent offendersâ ». In this way taking shots at school submitted by a white juvenile would in all likelihood be portrayed as stunning, while same act submitted by a dark one - as expectable. There are no exceptional investigations of for reasons of adolescent legitimate separation, yet comparable tests were led with grown-ups and brought about the hypothesis of comparability tolerance, where individuals will in general show more compassion with ones whom they think ab out the same to their individual. That was not the main trial of a sort, still it was the first led so as to demonstrate the presence of racial bias coordinated onto hued adolescents. The control of African American adolescents all through the United States is irregular. The pace of adolescent imprisonments for quite a long while has diminished, and in this way the prevalence of captures of shaded adolescents has gotten much increasingly self-evident. As per investigates, shaded youth perpetrates more violations and is captured twice as frequently as white adolescents. All things considered, the other explanation behind such misbalance was additionally brought about by the distinction in disposition to dark or latin adolescents in contrast with white ones. It is bound with the one-sided mentality as well as with the distinction in the existence conditions of adolescents that bring about stricter sentences. For instance under the law of Minnesota, a discipline for attempting rocks is four years of constrainment, while attempting powdered cocaine drives just to probation period.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Characteristics of Psychopathic Personalities
Qualities of Psychopathic Personalities Insane people are unequipped for feeling blame, regret, or compassion for their activities or the objects of their activities. They are commonly sly and manipulative. They realize the distinction among good and bad however dont accept the guidelines concern them. First Encounter With a Psychopath On early introduction, mental cases for the most part seem beguiling, drew in, mindful, benevolent, intelligent, and sensible, with very much idea out objectives. They give the feeling that they can reason, that they know the ramifications for standoffish and unlawful conduct and willâ react suitably. They seem equipped for self-assessment and will criticizeâ themselves for botches. Under clinical assessment, mental cases dont showâ common side effects related with psychotic conduct: apprehension, high tension, madness, disposition swings,â extreme weakness, and migraines. In circumstances that most ordinary individuals would discover upsetting, sociopaths seem quiet and drained of dread and tension. An About-Face Initially,â psychopaths appearâ reliable, dedicated, and dependable, be that as it may, out of nowhere and without incitement, become temperamental, with no respect for how their activities influence the circumstance, paying little heed to its significance. Once saw as legit and earnest, they do an abrupt turn around and start lying without concern, even in little issues when there is no advantage in lying. Since mental cases have aced the specialty of misdirection, people around them are delayed to acknowledge the unexpected change. At the point when insane people are stood up to with their absence of duty, trustworthiness or steadfastness, it for the most part has no effect on their mentality or future execution. They can't see that others valueâ truthfulness and trustworthiness. Cant Accept Responsibility for Failure Sociopaths transform into entertainers who can impersonate ordinary human feelings that they have never felt. This remains constant when theyre confronted with disappointment. In the event that they have all the earmarks of being modest and own up to their missteps, their actual objective is to be seen as the saint or symbol of atonement ready to acknowledge fault so others dont need to. In the event that the ploy comes up short and they are accused, they will vehemently reject any obligation and, without feeling disgrace, go to falsehoods, control, and blame dealing. At the point when insane people cannot persuade others that they are guiltless, they smolder and fixate on it, frequently mumbling wry remarks and plotting retribution. Risky Behavior With No Gain Withdrawn conduct cheating, lying, looting, taking, upsetting, battling, submitting infidelity, slaughtering bids to mental cases, regardless of whether they procure any rewards. They seem attracted to high-chance solitary conduct that has no obvious objective. A few specialists guess that insane people like to place themselves into hazardous circumstances in view of theâ adrenaline surge they experience. Since insane people by and large dont feel numerous feelings that ordinary individuals do, any outrageous sensation feels better. Others accept that they do it to fortify their feeling of prevalence and over demonstrate that they are more intelligent than everybody, including the police. Horrendous Judgment Despite the fact that mental cases are legitimate scholars and view themselves as profoundly insightful, they reliably show awful judgment. Confronted with two ways, one to gold and the other to remains, the insane person will take the last mentioned. Since insane people cannot gain from their encounters, they are inclined to taking a similar way over and over. Egocentric and Unable to Love Sociopaths are profoundly egomaniacal, to the point that aâ normal individual experiences issues appreciating it. Theirâ self-centerednessâ is so profoundly established that it renders them unequipped for cherishing others, including guardians, life partners, and their own kids. The main time mental cases give a normal reaction to grace or exceptional treatment by others is the point at which it very well may be utilized to further their potential benefit. For example,â a psychopathic dad despite everything cherished by his kids in spite of the deepâ suffering he has caused themâ may put on an act of thankfulness with the goal that they keep on placing cash into his jail record or pay his lawful expenses. Regular Treatment Empowers Psychopaths Most examinations demonstrate that there are no customary strategies to fix psychopathic conduct. At the point when ordinary strategies have been utilized, mental cases become empoweredâ and respond by improving their cleverness, manipulative techniques and their capacity to disguise their actual character, even from prepared eyes. Contrast Between Psychopaths and Sociopaths Maniacs and sociopaths share a finding as having standoffish character issue and comparable characteristics, yet there are noteworthy contrasts. Mental cases are increasingly misleading and manipulative and keep up more power over their outward personas. They can lead what seem, by all accounts, to be ordinary lives, in some cases all through their lifetime. At the point when insane people become hoodlums they accept they are more intelligent than the normal individual and invulnerable. Sociopaths frequently let their internal fierceness surface with rough scenes, verbally and truly. They become careless and unconstrained and have little command over what they state or how they act. Since they are motivation driven, they once in a while think about the outcomes of their activities. It is hard for sociopaths to live typical lives, and on account of their lack of caution huge numbers of them drop out of school, cannot hold employments, go to wrongdoing, and end up in jail. Which Is More Dangerous? Sociopaths make some troublesome memories concealing their issue, while maniacs highly esteem their manipulative capacities. Mental cases are experts of disassociation and less inclined to feel blame or regret for their activities or for the agony that they cause others. Along these lines, insane people are viewed as more risky than sociopaths. Source: The Mask of Sanity, by Hervey M. Cleckley
Friday, August 14, 2020
Timeline of life evolution on earth
Timeline of life evolution on earth Timeline of life evolution on Planet Earth with approximate dates and events from when Earth first formed to modern human.I have been compiling this list for sometime now for my owncuriosity. I find it very interesting to go back and go through the list from time to time ?? TimeEvent4.6 billion years:The Sun formedfrom the gravitational collapse of a region within a large molecular cloud. Most of the matter gathered in the center (Sun), while the rest flattened into an orbiting diskthat became the Solar System (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune).Sun was about 70% as bright as today.Our solar system is currently orbiting at around 24,000â€"26,000 light-years from the galactic center of the Milky Way, completing one orbit in about 225â€"250 million years.The distance of the Sun from Earth is approximately 149.6-million kilometers. At this average distance, light travels from the Sun to Earth in about 8 minutes and 19 seconds.4.5 billion years:Earth collided with a planetoid the size of Mars. Fragments orbited Earth and formed the Moon.At this time, moon was orbiting at about 64,000 km from Earth. Earth did not yet have water.3.9 billion years:Meteorites bombarded Earth bringing along water and other elements. Earths atmosphere became mostly carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, and ammonia.3.8 billion years:Surface of Earth changed from molten to solid rock. Water started condensing in liquid form. Earth day was 15 hours long.3.6 billion years:First simple cells, oxygen producing bacteria.3.4 billion years:Stromatolites demonstrated photosynthesis; a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy captured from the sun into chemical energy.2.2 billion years:Organisms with mitochondria capable of aerobic respiration appeared.2.0 billion years:Meteor impact, 300 km crater in South Africa.1.8 billion years:Meteor impact, 250 km crater in Ontario, Canada.1.6 billion years:Complex single-cell life appeared.1.5 billion ye ars:Organisms with complex cells containing nucleus appeared.1.2 billion years:Sexual reproduction appeared, increasing the rate of evolution.1.0 billion years:Multicellular life appeared.900 million years:Earth day was now 18 hours long. Moon was about 350,000 km from Earth.650 million years:Snowball Earth, the entire Earth was covered in ice for many million years.Mass extinction of 70% of dominant sea plants.590 million years:Meteor impact, 90 km crater in Acraman, South Australia.580 million years:Simple, soft-bodied organisms developed i.e. Jellyfish.The accumulation of atmospheric oxygen allowed the formation of the ozone layer. This blocked ultraviolet radiation, permitting the colonisation of the land.The ozone layer is found atapproximately 20 to 30 kilometres (12 to 19 miles) above Earth, itabsorbs 97â€"99% of the Suns medium-frequency ultraviolet light which potentially damages exposed life forms.570 million years:Arthropods appeared, ancestors of insects.560 million year s:Earliest fungi.530 million years:Fish appeared. Major diversification of living things in the oceans.443 million years:Mass extinction, 49% of life disappeared.434 million years:The first primitive plants moved onto land, having evolved from green algae living along the edges of lakes. They are accompanied by fungi, which may have aided the colonization of land through symbiosis.410 million years:Fish developed teeth and jaws.Spiders, Centipedes appeared.374 million years:Mass extinction, 70% of marine species disappeared.370 million years:First amphibians, ancestors of frogs, toads, etc360 million years:Crabs appeared.363 million years:Insects roamed the land and would soon take to the skies; sharks swam the oceans as top predators, and vegetation covered the land, with seed-bearing plants and forests soon to flourish.340 million years:Diversification of amphibians.280 million years:Beetles appeared.320 million yearsReptiles appeared.251 million years:Mass extinction event, up to 95% of ocean species and 70% land species lost.225 million years:First small dinosaurs appeared.220 million years:Forests dominated the land.201 million years:Mass extinction, 20% of all marine species killed; caused by oceanic anoxic event.200 million yearsMammals appeared.150 million years:Birds appeared.130 million yearsFlowering plants evolved withstructures that attract insects and other animals to spread pollen. This innovation causes a major burst of animal evolution through co-evolution. First freshwater pelomedusid turtles.110 million years:Crocodiles appeared.100 million yearsThe first bees evolved.90 million years:Snakes appeared.80 million years:Ants appeared.68 million years:Tyrannosaurus rex, the largest terrestrial predator of North America thrived.65 million years:Meteor impact, 170 km crater Chicxulub, Yucatan, Mexico.Mass extinction of 80-90% of marine species and 85% of land species.Dinosaurs became extinct. Mammals became dominant species. Rapid diversification in ants.55 million years:Whale appeared.52 million years:Bats appeared.40 million years:Modern-type butterflies appeared.30 million years:Pigs and Cats appeared.25 million years:Deer appeared.20 million years:Giraffes, Hyenas, Bears appeared.Increase in bird diversity.15 million years:Kangaroo appeared.14 million years:The first great apes appeared.10 million years:Grasslands and savannas established. Diversity in insects, especially ants and termites. Horses increased in body size and developed high-crowned teeth. Major diversification in grassland mammals and snakes.5 million years:First tree sloths and hippopotami, diversification of grazing herbivores like zebras and elephants, large carnivorous mammals like lions and dogs, burrowing rodents, kangaroos, birds, and small carnivores, vultures increase in size, decrease in the number of perissodactyl mammals.4.4 million years:Appearance of Ardipithecus, an early Hominin Genus.4 million years:North and South America joined at the Is thmus of Panama.Animals and plants cross the new land bridge.Ocean currents changed in the newly isolated Atlantic Ocean. First modern elephants, giraffes, zebras, lions, rhinos and gazelles appear in the fossil record.3.9 million years:Appearance of Australopithecus, Genus of Hominids.3.7 million years:Australopithecus Hominids inhabited Eastern and Northern Africa.2.7 million years:Evolution of Paranthropus.2.4 million years:Homo Habilis appeared.2.1 million years:Yellowstone supervolcanic eruption.2 million years:Tool-making Humanoids emerged.Beginning of the Stone Age, lasted several million years.1.7 million years:Homo Erectus first moved out of Africa.1.3 million years:Yellowstone supervolcanic eruption.1.2 million years:Evolution of Homo antecessor. The last members of Paranthropus died out.700,000 years:Human and Neanderthal lineages started to diverge genetically.640,000 years:Yellowstone supervolcanic eruption.600,000 years:Evolution of Homo Heidelbergensis.530,000 years:D evelopment of speech in Homo Heidelbergensis.400,000 years:Hominids hunted with wooden spearsand used stone cutting tools.370,000 years:Human ancestors and Neanderthalswere fully separate populations.350,000 years:Evolution of Neanderthals.300,000 years:Hominids used controlled fires.Neanderthal man spread through Europe200,000 years:Anatomically modern humans appeared in Africa.105,000 years:Stone age humans foraged for grass seeds such as sorghum.80,000 years:Non-African humans interbreed with Neanderthals.60,000 years:Oldest male ancestor of modern humans.40,000 years:Cro-Magnon man appeared in Europe.30,000 years:Neanderthals disappeared from fossil record.First domestic dogs.15,000 years:Bering land bridge between Alaska and Siberiaallowed human migration to America.12,000 years:Fired pottery invented.9,000 years:Metal smelting started.5,500 years:Invention of the wheel.5,300 years:The Bronze Age.5,000 years:Development of writing.4,500 years:Pyramids of Giza.3,300 years:The Ir on Age.2,230 years:Archimedes advanced mathematics.250 years:Start of the Industrial Revolution.50 years:Space travel.Year 1957:SatellitesorbitedEarth.Year 1969Human walked on the surface of the Moon.**Of all known forms of life ever to inhabit Earth, through many extinction events, only about 10 percent life forms still exist today.References and More Readings:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_evolutionary_history_of_life
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Benefits of Narrative Therapy Essay - 1873 Words
Narrative Therapy In the early 80’s a new theory garnered acclaim in psychotherapeutic circles. It is called Narrative therapy and has its roots in a postmodern idea known as constructivism. Ian Ridgway (2005) defines constructivism this way, â€Å"Humans create meaning within social contexts because it is believed either that reality is essentially without meaning or its true meaning is beyond us.†Michael White and David Epston are the two most prominent figures in the development of Narrative Therapy. White and Epston recognized a shift in how people construct meaning for their lives and believed that to help a client it was important to deconstruct the stories in his or her life the client would naturally alter the behavior (Nichols,†¦show more content†¦He also was attracted to Gregory Bateson’s ideas about how communication affects one’s interpretation of the world. These circumstances led directly to White’s development of narrative therapy and hi s concept of problems seeking to control people rather than the outcome of how people function. According to White, by deconstructing the oppressive narratives in their lives people can construct positive stories in place of negative ones (Nichols, 2010). The other prominent individual in the establishment of narrative therapy is David Epston. Born in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada in 1944, he received his degree in Sociology and Anthropology from Auckland University of New Zealand in 1969 (Wikipedia, 2010). He worked closely with Michael White to develop a narrative approach to therapy. Some of Epston’s greatest contributions to narrative therapy stress the importance of support groups to help clients maintain healthy approaches to dealing with problems as well as sending letters to clients to give them reminders to assist them in living out their new stories (Nichols 2010). Narrative therapists do not adhere to a traditional view of how people behave or develop normally. In many psychotherapy settings the counselor will have a basic understanding of what is normal and abnormal. However, a narrative counselor does not make this assessment, but rather attempts to avoid makingShow MoreRelatedTherapeutic Techniques and Components of Narrative Therapy621 Words  | 3 Pagestechniques and components of narrative therapy and give examples of how to operationalize this approach. Narrative therapy is an emerging psychological technique that has gained considerable popularity since its inception in the 1970s and 1980s. It allows the patient to externalize the problem and when this psychotherapy is applied properly, it endows the patient with a fresh, more productive perspective to apply to their problematic situation (Freedman, Combs, 1996). 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(Faust et al., 2004)AsRead MoreEvidence Based Research : Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy1207 Words  | 5 Pagesresearch suggests trauma focused cognitive behavior therapy (TB-CBT) is a particularly effective model to use with individuals who has experienced childhood trauma. TB-CBT is evidence-based; it is a treatment model that was designed to assist children, adolescents, and their families to overcome the damaging effects of traumatic experiences. Eye movement and desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), is another evidence-based treatment that uses therapy to process distressing memories, with the goal ofRead MoreOccupational Therapy And Eating Disorder Recovery1438 Words  | 6 Pages I struggled to find an occupational therapist to interview for this assignment. Without knowing the big movers in the field of occupational therapy and eating disorder recovery, I felt I was grasping at nothing. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Dietary Guidelines For The 2015 Community Health Needs...
When it comes to fruit and vegetable, accessibility and affordability are not the only factors that play a role if someone will consume them. This can be depicted in the 2015 Community Health Needs Assessment where of those who were surveyed, only 36.8% of adults in the medium to high-income level reported consuming the recommended daily fruit and vegetable intake. In the USDA’s recently released 2015-2020 dietary guidelines for Americans, the guidelines suggest that individual factors such as knowledge, skills and personal preferences can also have an impact on if someone will eat more fruits and vegetables (USDA, 2016). At some point in our lives, we are all taught that we should eat fruits and vegetables because they are good for us. However, for some individuals, this is as far as the education on the topic goes. Having a true understanding of why we need to eat fruits and vegetables, what to look for when we go to buy them, how to store them when you bring them home, an d how to go about preparing them while keeping the nutritional benefits in tact are topics that can help enhance an individual’s likeliness to eat fruits and vegetables more regularly. In an effort to increase knowledge, skills, and attitudes regarding fruits and vegetables, local health departments, health systems, community centers, and other local affiliates would come together to create a Community Nutrition Education Program. This program would comprise of registered dietitians, nutritionists, andShow MoreRelatedThe Quad Cities Area Adult Population1445 Words  | 6 PagesThe Quad Cities Area adult population generally fails to meet the USDA’s recommended dietary guideline of consuming at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day, with only 35.7% reporting meeting these guidelines (Professional Research Consultants, 2015). This policy analysis will review current community efforts within the Quad Cities area that are concentrating on improving fruit and vegetable consumption of area adults. Additional policy options to help increase access, knowledge andRead MorePersonal Health Organization Defines Good Nutrition1556 Words  | 7 PagesPersonal Nutrition Case Study The World Health Organization defines good nutrition as an â€Å"adequate, well-balanced diet combined with regular physical activity†(World Health Organization, 2017). It is often difficult for a college student to maintain good nutrition due to a very limited income. An inadequate amount of time to exercise and prepare/eat meals also plays a role in a college student’s nutritional habits. Most college students toss good nutrition out the window and migrate towards foodsRead MoreThe Incidence Of Oesophago Gastric Essay1530 Words  | 7 Pageshas increased in the UK (Allum et al., 2011). The UK benchmarks for OG cancer highlight the need for individualised nutritional counselling and weekly dietetic follow up. However a universal standard of nutritional care is lacking in this patient group (Allum et al., 2011) The incidence of malnutrition in cancer patients ranges from 40-80% (Ollenschlanger et al. 1991). With a lack of consistent assessment indicators or definitions for malnutrition, malnutrition can become under-diagnosed. MalnutritionRead MoreEffects Of Obesity On Health And Illness983 Words  | 4 Pagesactivities. (Rausch et al, 2015). It is imperative to provide direct services to children and their families, education, and counseling to promote healthy lifestyles. Obesity appears to be more prevalent in low-income family sectors of American society regardless of the type of community. Diet is one of the most significant contributors to health and illness. It is widely known and accepted that excessive intake of certain nutrients, or lack of nutrients can adversely affects health. Research mentionedRead MoreEthics And Standards Of Practice1746 Words  | 7 Pages2016). The NMC code (2015) states that informed consent should be gained fully before any treatment commences, makin g sure everything is documented. Keeping patient information confidential is a legal obligation, therefore patients need to be made aware that information may have to be disclosed to other healthcare professionals involved in their care (Department of Health, 2010). If the patient does not give informed consent it would be unlawful to carry out any assessment or treatment, followingRead MoreChildhood Obesity Has Reached Global Epidemic Status1297 Words  | 6 Pagesweight increase after it has been successfully lost (Mahmood, 2015). Primarily, the strategy should be to address the controllable factors of obesity by educating children and parents/guardians on the risk factors and the strategies and/or methodologies for successful prevention and control. Several studies have explored such interventions during well-care visits and coordinated approaches in school environments and within the community at large. Well-care visits provide a good opportunity for nurseRead MoreRelationship Between The Registered Nurse And Allied Health Team Members Essay2167 Words  | 9 PagesPart A of this assessment introduced a 77year old, Italian man named Luigi, a retired accountant who has lived with his wife in Australia for the past 40 years, together th ey have 1 son. Luigi has had declining health issues for 15 years due to poorly controlled type 2 diabetes, resulting with a diagnosis of chronic renal failure. Luigi has now been hospitalised. This essay will discuss the importance for Luigi to develop self-management, empowerment and advocacy skills. It will demonstrate the roleRead MoreHealth Promotion : Theories And Models1660 Words  | 7 PagesHealth promotion utilises theories and models to guide practice. A theory is the general principles of a framework of ideas in regards to a particular topic. (Merriam-webster.com, 2016) A model is a set plan of action based on theoretical ideas to achieve a set goal. (Merriam-webster.com, 2016) The difference between a theory and a model is that a theory is related to evidence based knowledge and a model is built on this knowledge although it is presented as a process to reach certain targets. TheRead More Childhood Obesity: A Public Health Issue Essay2551 Words  | 11 Pages(Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 2015). Even more frightening is the growth rate of this crippling health epidemic; between 1980 and 2014, obesity has doubled for adults and tripled for children (CDC, 2015). The physical consequences of rising obesity rates in our country include an abundance of physical ailments including type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea, arthritis, elevated cholesterol, and even some cancers. Additionally, obesity-related health care costs to our country are estimatedRead MoreA Case Study Scenario That Provides Situations We May Face As Future Nurses1936 Words  | 8 Pagesto us about Mr. Martinez to the determinants of health according to Healthy People 2020, and determine health literacy and competency concerns, health policies, and set SMART goals while using Tanner’s model. Two wellness nursing diagnosis will be formulated for Mr. Martinez in order to determine the problem and set up goals with promising outcomes. Lastly, primary, secondary and tertiary prevention are encompassed in accordance to the Public Health interventions Wheel. Criterion 1: Tanner’s Model
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Re P11-2 Free Essays
PROBLEM THREE [Min Shan Shih v the Queen 2000 DTC 2072 – Residence] Read the Tax Court of Canada case Min Shan Shih v the Queen 2000 DTC 2072 and explain in your own words the reason for the decision in the case. Solution to P3-3 The taxpayer was found not resident in Canada for the years in question because when all of the facts were considered, the taxpayer never became a resident of Canada. His normal routine of daily living remained in Taiwan (i. We will write a custom essay sample on Re: P11-2 or any similar topic only for you Order Now e. , his work, parents, social ties, etc. ). The taxpayer’s wife and children became resident in Canada so that the children could be educated in Canada. Facts supporting the position that the taxpayer was resident in Canada throughout the years in question, 1997, 1998, and 1999: Taxpayer owned a house in Canada, readily available to him at all times, †¢Taxpayer’s wife and children lived in Canada in the family home throughout the years in question, †¢Taxpayer filed a Canadian tax return for each of the years, †¢Taxpayer gave the family home in Canada as his address on his tax returns, †¢Taxpayer had applied for permanent residence status in Canada for himself and his family, †¢In 1996 the taxpayer and his family were admitted to Canada as landed immigrants, †¢Taxpayer maintained a bank account in Canada jointly with his wife, †¢Taxpayer owned a car in Canada, Taxpayer obtained an Ontario driver’s license and an Ontario health card, †¢Taxpayer was the sole shareholder of a Canadian corporation, †¢In 2000 the taxpayer’s wife and children became citizens of Canada, and †¢The family home in Taiwan was sold prior to coming to Canada. Facts supporting the position that the taxpayer was not resident in Canada throughout the years in question: †¢Taxpayer was employed in Taiwan throughout the years in question, †¢Taxpayer maintained an apartment in Taiwan, Taxpayer’s pay (employment income) was deposited into his Taiwanese bank account, †¢Taxpayer had a Taiwanese driver’s license and pharmacist’s license, †¢All of the taxpayer’s club, church and professional association memberships were in Taiwan, †¢Taxpayer visited Canada only twelve times during the span 1996 – 1999, †¢Taxpayer spent a great deal more time in Taiwan than in Canada, †¢The education of the taxpayer’s children was the reason for coming to Canada and applying for landed immigrant status, †¢Taxpayer never had a permanent connection with Canada, Taxpayer had always lived in Taiwan, †¢Taxpayer was a citizen of Taiwan, †¢The purpose of the taxpayer’s visits to Canada during 1996 – 1999 were to visit his wife and children, †¢Taxpayer had strong family ties in Taiwan, his parents. Based on the facts, the taxpayer was found to be resident in Taiwan during the years in question. Since an individual may be resident in more than one country at the same time, one must question whether he was also resident in Canada. Apart from the presence of his wife and children in Canada, the taxpayer did not have other connections to Canada which would cause him to be resident. The taxpayer did not change his life pattern in Taiwan after he was admitted to Canada as a landed immigrant. If the taxpayer had been found resident in Canada, then his world income, including his Taiwan employment income, should have been reported on his Canadian tax returns for the years in question. How to cite Re: P11-2, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Supply Chain Management Organizational Change
Question: Discuss about the Supply Chain Management for Organizational Change. Answer: Introduction: Main claim of the article The article is based on the changes occur to the organizational development. We have to find out the reason behind the organizational change and why most of them are usually failed. The change process not done correctly so we have to find out what is wrong in it. Further, the importance of creating a successful change a leader has to pay attention that based on emotion and recognition. Make organization change that downsizing effort without a big change in the main structure or process only gives a short term improvement. So in this article, are trying to find out the decision or change in organizational structure for long-term improvement and also argue with the failure of the previous decision taken containing errors. Readership of the article It is a business topic and here we trying to find out the reason behind the failure of most change efforts to the organization. So this topic is important for the students of business studies, MBA and also for the leaders of the organizations those brings changes in their organizational structure. The present material in the article There are countless articles on organizational development and changes. At first, we have to identify why organizational changes are adopted. Secondly, the reasons behind the failure of this change process to the organization. Therefore the importance of creating a successful change for the transformation of the change that is, effective to the organization. The study of the literature is on organizational changes for the low-level track record of major change (Canato Ravasi, 2015). The evidence fact of the research If we find out the reason of the failure of most change efforts then we can easily improve the changes to overcome the failure. According to Harvard Business School Prof. Jhon Kotter the reason of the failure is: Objectives of the fact The reason why the changes are implemented is not discussed. Also, fail to make an influential guiding partnership which communicates the requirements for change. Challenging visions and goals of the change is not underestimating. There is a problem with to converse the vision to several stakeholders. Also granting obstacles for closing the accomplishment of vision is a reason for failure. In order to achieve short term win, it generates eagerness, as well as self-assurance to the employee, is a reason to fail the change. Personal experience and opinion Analyzing these reasons often lead to unenthusiastic penalty as well as the very poor performance of the change plans are not so effective. To avoid identified errors are made because of the in the appropriate character of managers'. There are a very little choice-makers who competent of transforming the thoughts and required guideline to lead a concerted effort to lead the change. There are also questions arises about the leader's ignorance to the changing guideline and framework. The reasons are not selective for all organization. Organizations have different reasons for the failure. Some selective reasons are not applicable for all. Aside from Kotters identified reasons another important reason for that change effort fails is ideas of organizational change is just an illusion. Individual organization changes their efforts according to their behaviour. The significant point here comes out like it is an individual change or else not. Present key arguments regarding the sources of change and organizational risks If a change effort fails to create positive outcomes then the change is not initiated by the organization. Most change efforts, as well as their methods for the change, attempted for engaging brain to a certain extent of emotions. In "Managing Changes: The art of balancing ", by Jeanie Daniel Duck we found the importance of emotions rather than the mind. Managers and the employees were informed for checking their opinions at the door, this is a massive mistake. If the employee's feelings are not accessible to managers, then the worker's emotions are valued less. If a large organization failed to attach directly to their people during values which about ideas and values, it does not improve their work. Sometimes negative emotions of people help for improvement in the changes. If a company does not allow their workers to work with their head and mind then the company cannot take their emotions that are essential to the new management style. One more merits are point out from Duck's article that bringing heart soul and spirit into the workless. The important thing can be identified from the recent that on the emotional intelligence part, one's unprofessional or emotional status may affect other individuals (Bowkett, 2007). Also, all of the stakeholders can gain to deal with Intra as well as interpersonal feelings to achieve the success of personal as well as organizational. The Judgement of the argument Appropriately balanced All the research work regarding this issue is trying to find out the reasons behinds the failure of the change efforts. Their works are not similar most of them are more likely to be biased. But there are also some arguments. The errors that Kotter has identified that based on the inappropriate behaviour of the leaders that means the error consists and observable actions, set up goals and team management skills are a poor level that leads the changes to negative outcomes. It is critical to ask from the viewpoint of behaviour, what is our next step to improve the achievement for leading change. To minimized the risks and maintain current system is the responsibilities of a manager. New change requires minimizing the involve risk to create a new system. Every change must require a proper leadership to overcome. Leadership established a new way to the organization by stirring persons for changing their behaviour and schedule with the fresh direction and how to overcome obstacles to change. There is a big contradiction for the commitment of a change engage the mind rather than emotions. Kotter and Dan Cohen have analyzed the fact to motivate people to the change. The managers began to judge the feelings of a collision of the message for speaking organizational modification from recent time (Shiang-Yen, Idrus, Wong, 2013). Response message of persons on "see" as well as "feel" create a visible response those individuals will change their behaviour greater. This fact alone inspires citizens of few organizations to commit to specific, challenging goals. According to Ducks it is a great mistake to an organization that its manager and workers are told to ensure their opinions to the door. Fundamentally changes about feelings to a company that allows their labors for working through their heads as well as minds to recognize their feelings which are necessary for the style of new management. The issue is not the people is giving negative or positive emotions, in fact, the large organization has more successful changed program that is connected with their people directly through values about their beliefs and feelings. For every step of the change process, workers should communicate with the people's view in the organization. In this article, we are trying to find out the changes that have positive outcomes for the organization. Not only take the right decision and setting up goals but also the view of the people related to this are also very important to make the change successful. In every step to carry out one leader must look over the people emotions related to it. An organization should allow the workers to work with their hearts and brain to make the changes successful. Every short term wins should celebrate to maintain confidence and enthusiasm of employee for further progress. Leaders have to provide proper guidance to the change. An organization should create a clear creative and viable vision that paints a simple picture in people's mind so they can visualize the requirements for making it original. People also consider the goal is meaningful and directly put their feelings and views in it and put out the effort of creating the change positively. This reading contains some views about the organizational change. In some cases, they have similarity in their views but there is also difference according to their research work. As likely the leading change is failed as they have not properly guided. But failure also happens due to the lack of the communication between people and the organization. As people beliefs and views are needed to create a successful change. Also, the emotions of the workers are also needed for the successful changes. In the reading offers, several perspectives are more balanced. The counter argument is not expressed strongly but some question arises in this business literature that what kind of people facing the problems and the solutions and require effective needs are not discussed. According to Mr. Spock, this article misguided as focusing only on the emotions. If any leader wants to make easy of the organizational change, then they must utilize the appeal as well as the cause of the emotions. Here some questions on changes that why the change effort is adopted is not discussed clearly and the net effect of the change are not clear and the effects on the chains on the people are also not clear. The changes are required to living changes as well as it becomes illustration desirable behaviors are a single way to make sure that the change will be implemented in corporate culture. What was ignored in this business literature to see or feel problems of people reinforce changed behaviours? I have questions about the organizational changes why it should take new changes. And what is the net effect of the changes to that organization? And hope people related to that organization will be affected by that particular change. The contribution of the article for the topic of change management In this overall topic is all about the changes to the organization. It discusses the reason why the changes are failed to bring about the success. Some similar argument on the reason is described. The role of the leader and the emotions of the people to that changes is how much important is clearly shown. What steps should take to every process of the change is find out. General Problems The general problems arise in this topic that is the role of the leaders and lack of the communication to the people related to this chain management ("Special Topic Forum on Supply Chain Management in Emerging Markets: Critical Research Issues", 2013). The people emotions are most effective to make change positive outcomes. Conclusion: Learning from the article After studying the article I find out the major problems why most of the chain management become the failure. It gives a clear idea about the reason why most of the changes have failed though they set their challenges and goals. The people emotions are also a very important thing to the changes and the worker should give the freedom to work with their hearts and brains. But there also some questions arise about the changes and most of the research works are similar. There is a negative point in this article that there is no clear idea about the solution to prevent the failure of the changes. Strength of the article The articles had a strong idea about the issue of failure of the changes in the organizational field. It will help to make success every step of the changes to make sure the way positive. It also gives information to the leaders that how much the feelings of their workers are needed to make a change success. It also gives a clear idea about the people emotions to the change and takes any change every organization should carefully look over the people response about the change. Person read the article If a business related person wants to make some change for new style management he should read carefully this article and this article give him the idea to prevent the failure of his change that he want to occur. This article is also very helpful for a research work on business studies. References Bowkett, S. (2007).Emotional intelligence. London: Network Continuum Education. Canato, A. Ravasi, D. (2015). Managing long-lasting cultural changes.Organizational Dynamics,44(1), 75-82. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.orgdyn.2014.11.009 Shiang-Yen, T., Idrus, R., Wong, W. (2013). ERP Misfit-Reduction Strategies.Journal Of Global Information Management,21(1), 59-81. https://dx.doi.org/10.4018/jgim.2013010104 Special Topic Forum on Supply Chain Management in Emerging Markets: Critical Research Issues. (2013).J Supply Chain Manag,49(2), 138-138. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jscm.12025
Friday, March 27, 2020
Nokia Case Studies
The three important issues the company should focus on in terms of expense control Employment at the company should be cut down to a manageable size. The company should only retain a sizeable number of workers that it can manage comfortably as the revenues continue to dwindle. The goal is to save a significant amount of revenues currently being paid out as salaries and wages.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Nokia: Case Studies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Business acquisitions should only be limited to those that are viable and those that require less time to return profits. The financial goal of this move is to save funds from further non-profitable ventures. Closing the extra regional offices and branches and instead maintaining the main ones only is the third strategy. This action will save a significant amount of revenue that is currently being spent on meeting rent and other related expenses. Assessment of Nokia-Microsoft’s Windows Mobile The Window’s smartphone by Nokia has failed to recapture the market leadership in the sector. Instead, Nokia has continued to lose its market share while recording huge losses, especially in the smartphone sector. The Windows mobile platform has failed to achieve its intended purpose of spurring growth for the brand maker. From the current market trend, it is possible to adjudge that the Windows mobile platform is inferior to its main competitors Android by Google and iOS by Apple. The best alternative for Nokia should be using the licensed Android OS on its smartphone devices in order to boost its market share. This will see Nokia devices enjoy the same superiority as other leading Android devices such as Samsung, thus attracting a huge global market to recapture its market share. Necessary steps to regain the North American Market Nokia should begin by carrying out an extensive study of the North American market in order to determi ne trends and preferences. Market needs for the smartphones, especially in North America, keep changing rapidly as users seek for new features and capabilities.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A closer link to the market will enable the brand maker recapture the market. Additionally, Nokia should seriously consider introducing the Android OS in its devices because this platform is sought after by the North American market. Realistic strategies for regaining market share Price competition Nokia should shift its competition towards the aspect of price by targeting to avail high quality products at cheaper prices. Lowering prices will see more users acquiring its products, thus increasing the market share. The costs will involve buying more materials and utilizing them on more products in order to achieve economies of scale advantage. However, this strategy is risky because the gadgets might be of an inferior quality to compromise on cost. New products This strategy should focus on releasing new products with enhanced features and performance. This will provide the market with a high range of products capable of competing with the other brands. The costs involve intensive research and development, while the risk lies in spending too much on a technology that fails to pick up. I prefer the price competition strategy because with its capacity, Nokia is able to achieve success through building economies of scale advantage. Nokia is also shifting production to Asia where it is likely to benefit from cheaper labor. Evaluation of Stephen Elop Performance Stephen Elop has performed dismally in his leadership. The company has continuously lost market share and registered losses. I recommend that he should change his strategy by focusing more on changing market trends and incorporating them immediately, instead of taking time before acting. Nokia has been rigid in its operations, failing to read signs early and take the right steps to address challenges. Thus, the CEO must consider flexibility while competing for business. Additionally, Elop should consider expanding Nokia’s business by venturing into new business areas, such as personal computers and laptops. This will see the firm cushion itself from harsh business conditions and performance affecting one area.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Nokia: Case Studies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This essay on Nokia: Case Studies was written and submitted by user Charleigh Ochoa to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Fascism And Its Political Ideas Essays - Fascism, Far-right Politics
Fascism And Its Political Ideas Essays - Fascism, Far-right Politics Fascism and its Political Ideas Fascism is a form of counter-revolutionary politics that first arose in the early part of the twentieth-century in Europe. It was a response to the rapid social upheaval, the devastation of World War I, and the Bolshevik Revolution. Fascism is a philosophy or a system of government the advocates or exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, together with an ideology of aggressive nationalism. Celebrating the nation or the race as an organic community surpassing all other loyalties. This right-wing philosophy will even advocate violent action to maintain this loyalty which is held in such high regards. Fascism approaches politics in two central areas, populist and elitist. Populist in that it seeks to activate "the people" as a whole against perceived oppressors or enemies and to create a nation of unity. The elitist approach treats as putting the people?s will on one select group, or most often one supreme leader called El Duce, from whom all power proceeds downward. The two most recognized names that go along with Fascism are Italy?s Benito Mussolini and Germany?s Adolf Hitler. The philosophy of Fascism can be traced to the philosophers who argue that the will is prior to and superior to the intellect or reason. George Sorel, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Georg Hegal are main philosophers who?s beliefs and ideologies greatly influenced the shaping of Fascist theory. Sorel (1847-1922) was a French social philosopher who had a major influence on Mussolini. Sorel believed that societies naturally became decadent and disorganized. This decay could only be slowed by the leadership of idealists who were willing to use violence to obtain power. Nietzsche (1844-1900) theorized that there were two moral codes: the ruling class ( master morality) and the oppressed class (slave morality). Nietzsche believed the ancient empires were developed from the master majority and the religious ideas and views grew out the slave majority. The idea of the "overman" or superman which symbolized man at his most creative and highest intellectual capacity was brought about by Nietzsche as well. Hegal believed people should sacrifice for the community. He thought war was also necessary to unify the state, with peace bring nothing but a weak society. Hegal also sustained that laws should be made by the corporate organization of the state. Fascism values human nature in a group for the benefit of the community. The group as a whole is called the human will, which is ruled by a select group or one leader, with the power being passed down from top to bottom. Fascism seeks to organize an organization led mass movement in an effort to capture the state power. When the power is in the firm grip of the ruler, or IL Duce, the government will be used to control the population and everything in it so the community will be benefited. Fascism?s ideal government would be fashioned around the good of the community or nation. Everyone would work for the benefit of the nation and that is all. Regularly this would take place with the merging of the state and business leadership, with concern only of the nation. In this the nation will also take care of its members if the need should arise. This could be money ,shelter, food, or any other need that might come about. The ideology of Fascism has been identified with totalitarianism, state terror, fanaticism, arranged violence, and blind obedience. Adolf Hitler established his own personal ideology, Mein Kampf, which means My Struggle. The book was written while Hitler was in prison and not yet in power. Mussolini fashioned his ideology after he took control of Italy. Despite their two different angles on the use of Fascism Hitler and Mussolini both worked similarly on how they established their principles in the same basic manner. Their principles came from basic responses to various issues the leaders faced. Fascism is an authoritarian political movement that developed in Italy and other European countries after 1919 as a reaction against the profound political and social changes brought about from inflation, and declining social, economic, and political conditions. Italy, which was ready for a new political aspect, was the birthplace of fascist ideology. Benito Mussolini was the man who brought this ideology
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Research paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Research paper - Assignment Example The industrial revolution of the 19th century that took place in Europe and America saw people experience pollution of air, soil and water systems to levels that threatened the extinction of some flora and fauna species. Governments the world over responded to the deteriorating environment in the last few decades of the 20th century through imposition of laws aimed at limiting environmental pollution of pollution (Ocean Service, 2008). There is no doubt that the menace of pollution is today affecting every nation of the world. The burning of fossil fuels for instance is a major cause of air pollution. Daily consumption of fuel through cars releases a lot of CO2 into the atmosphere with result of that that air we are inhaling is not clean and as such poses significant health risks. Nations especially in the developed world are trying to regulate air pollution through the passage of tough laws to govern corporations thought to hold most of the responsibility when it comes to environmental pollution (Gulf Daily News, 2009). The sole aim is to force these companies to behave responsibly in terms of release of chemicals in the atmosphere. Failure on the part of corporations to adhere to environmental laws attracts stiff penalties and increased taxes. This is because pollution affects the environmental adversely and thus bringing about major human health issues with the ultimate rise in the cost of medicine to individua ls. Bad air for instance has caused an increase in conditions such as allergies and asthma (Abdi, Ferrera, 205). In the Kyoto protocol for instance, most of industrialised and developing nations of the world committing to the reduction of CO2 emissions by an average of 5% till the year 2012 basing their 1990 emission levels. Unfortunately some major industrial powers of the world such as the US declined to ratify the protocol thus dealing a blow to the efforts.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Monique and the Mango Rains Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Monique and the Mango Rains - Essay Example She did this by saving lives and giving hopes to people in a place where giving birth was risky (Holloway 78, 2007). Kris majors on exemplifying the passion of changing the lives of women facing poverty and unhappy marriages. In this essay, the obstacles faced by Malian Minianka women in achieving higher status, and relating gendered inequality to anthropological concepts such as marriage, economy, and reproductive health issues are aptly discussed. Part 2; Gender Norms and Stratification in Mali In gender norms in Mali, the local culture in which Monique was brought up had strict guidelines that guided women on how to handle themselves. For example, the society was against the idea of using birth control pills; thus, she had to this secretly. The issue of health inequality was the core factor that caused the obstacles experienced by women in this region. In gender stratification, it is established that it is responsible for the maternity-related deaths of 500 000 women annually. The mortality rate for women losing their lives during birth was about 1 in every 12 women. Kris writes on how the region has the highest maternal mortality rates and highest fertility in sub-Saharan Africa. It is estimated that less than 6% of women in their fertility season used contraception, and women that suffered genital ablation was above 96% in their childhood. 1 in 5 children born die immaturely before they reach their 5th birthday. Part 3; Marriage Marriage in this region was not gender sensitive since women were limited in doing certain jobs and denied credit for their hard work in the society. For example, Monique failed to get support from her husband and was trapped in an arranged marriage. They were forced to stay in a marriage despite the problems they encountered since annulment was not encouraged in marriages. Women that divorced their partners were snatched their children. The marriage system was gender insensitive since men were perceived in the society as low and had no value in the society. They were strained into marriages at an exceptionally tender age; hence, facing the challenges of giving birth. Part 4; Economy According to the Kris, the socio-political issues and instable economy was another factor that increased the obstacles women had to face in the society. Women’s economy was low to extent that they could not access proper medical services. For example, Monique suffered from severe mouth pains and was unable to access apt treatment on her dental pains. Women received exceptionally low salary despite the amount of work they did in division of labor. For example, Monique worked incessantly by edifying the community on health issues, but was paid a low salary unfortunately (Holloway 11, 2007). Women in this region also lacked recognition despite the efforts they enacted to the society, and were also not given time rest. There was the lack of running water, skilled and trained doctors, and lack of adequate medical equipments especially for emergencies. Part 5; Reproductive Health Issues The obstacle faced by Malian Minianka women is receiving quality and apt health care services to secure their health. The book recounts the story of a local health worker located at Nampossela in Mali. Women at this region faced the intricacy of accessing apt medication from the government and nongovernmental organizations. Kris shows how Monique offered health care services like prenatal consultations, health demonstrations freely (Holloway 78, 2007). Others included; assisting pregnant ladies in giving birth, administering vaccinations, and solving minor health predicament she had the ability to treat (Holloway 2007, 8). Monique and the Mango Rains highlights a
Monday, January 27, 2020
E-commerce Amazon Innovation
E-commerce Amazon Innovation Does it pay to be the first mover in e-commerce? The case of Amazon.com This case study outlines the advantages and disadvantages of the early adoption of e-commerce using Amazon.com as an example. According to a study, being first in the market does not guarantee large market share. According to Shankar et al leaders in the market for personal computers, video games were covered by late entrants. Hence, order of entry does not necessarily make sure a leadership in the market or continuing rewards. According to the author, imitation over rides innovation in the e-commerce bazaar due to quick technological innovation, fast movement of information and weak patenting laws. Innovation is some times seen as a risk due to the high cost, less chances of survival and imitation. First movers may be able to switch costs as step towards gaining an edge in the e-commerce market. However, that is not long term. It is most advantageous for companies to prevent transfer of knowledge gained through experience since this will create obstruction to new entrants and there will be few competitors. But this is not practical. On the other hand this may create barrier to company as it may continue to invest in obsolete technology. There may be advantages of not being first mover in the e-commerce market. It is very risky for a firm to enter the market when there is uncertainty. Followers learn from mistakes that first movers make and attract customers to towards their product by projecting incumbents product as inferior. First movers may have failures because of the same routines or patterns of conducting business as was before moving to e-commerce. Companies may need to change depending on the type of business, geographical area and cost. Amazon was one of the first companies to have an online book store and is very popular in the US. They do not have a physical store (Just a website), which would take order from customers. Amazon was the only online store that provided after sales service to customers when it allowed customers to search for books that were hard to find. It also offered comparative shopping where the site would give suggestions where else the book could be found. They also introduced member programs where a customer could earn commission by introducing customers to them after every purchase they make. Amazon believes that customers online look for brand names. They also maintained records of customers buying habits and purchase history. They have invested 40% of the revenue in brand building and customer loyalty. Since Amazon is first mover in the market it has set standards so that other can follow the same pattern. The strategies used by Amazon are such that they have a lot of repeat customers and the shoppers become used to buying from them. Innovating and patenting are very important to companies development. Many customers tend to buy from websites that are tried and tested rather than new websites. Hence, it is very important for new companies to follow strict rules and guidelines in order to show that they offer something unique and different from what others do. Reference: Kamel Mellahi, Michael Johnson Does it pay to be a first mover in eCommerce? The case of Amazon.com Coventry Business School, Coventry University, Coventry UK Management Decision 38/7 (2000) 445-452 MCB University Press ISSN 0025-1747
Sunday, January 19, 2020
External Factors Essay
External factors are a number of influencing factors which are not controlled by the company but will impact pricing decisions. It includes of legal, consumer trends, technological, and competitors. Our company focuses on technological and competitor as external factors that influencing price setting on matcha collagen biscuits. Competition factors can look into three areas which are monopoly competition, perfect competition and oligopoly competition. Monopolistic competition is a situation where a single company or group controls the entire output of the market for a given type of product or service with any buyers. Besides, a monopoly is protected from competition by high barriers to entry and the product it produces has no close substitutes. Example of monopolistic competition is water service which supplier of water has no substitutes. Perfect competition is a market structure where there are a large number of buyers and sellers. There are a perfect knowledge of market condition and the price which no individual firm has any influence on the market price. The products in perfect competition are homogeneous which they can be substituted easily. Therefore, the company can entry or exit the industry without affecting the market. An oligopoly competition is a situation in which a particular market or industry is dominated by a small number of firms which compete against each other. There is an element of interdependence in the decision-making of these firms. Example of oligopoly competition are newspaper industry, petrol stations, and airlines. Our product’s price is influence of external factors which is perfect competition. This is because there are many firms produce an identical and homogeneous biscuit in the biscuit market such as Munchy, Tiger, and Jacobs. Besides, they are many sellers in the biscuit market which are Kraft, Julie, and Munchy as well as there is no dominating firm. Therefore, our company is considered as price takers which accepts market price determined by the forces of market demand and supply. Furthermore, all buyers and sellers have perfect knowledge about the prices of biscuits in the market. Hence, our company cannot simply set the price of matcha collagen biscuits to maximize its profit, this will cause our product easily substitute with another brand of biscuits. Moreover, our company has complete freedom of entry into and exit from the biscuit market without affecting the entire market. Technology is a business enabler that has a revolutionary impact on the actual conduct of business. It contributes to achieving desired business productivity and efficiency. Under technological, our company using advanced technology on manufacturing operation to produce matcha collagen biscuits. Examples, our company used the latest techniques and machinery in order to increase the production as well as maximize capacity. Furthermore, the creation of databases and electronic communications in our company have enabled vast quantities of information to be shared and quickly distributed within the company. Moreover, our company’s customer service department used communication technology to talk to customer but will also have access to internal systems, such as technology to simplify credit control and stock control. Therefore, shifts in technology and advances may affect costs, quality and overall innovation of our product which becomes a major factor of setting the right price f or matcha collagen biscuits.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Relationships between critical thinking and ethics Essay
Critical thinking plays a huge role in ethics. Critical thinking is a clear and rational, open minded and informed. Ethics is moral principles that govern a person or group behavior and rule of conduct. Critical thinking is a form of fiction and identifying the unknown. Critical thinking develops a mental process of evaluation which helps to determine their ethical standards. By incorporating the critical thinking process into their mindset it enables them more effectively to make a decision based upon truths and verified information rather than unknown. There are steps to take in regards to thinking critically, and they should follow as listed in order to make a rational decision; step one; (knowledge) being able to identify what is being said. Step two (comprehension) understanding the material, you make the knowledge that you acquired your own by relating it to what you already know. The better involve, the better you comprehend. Step three. (Apply) Know what you have read, heard, seen and comprehend it and carry out some task to apply what you comprehend to an actual situation. Step four (analysis) breakdown what you read, heard and seen into components in order to make clear. Step five (synthesis) the ability to put together the part you have analyzed with other information to create something original. Step six (evaluation) occurs once you have understood and analyzed what is said or written, and the reason offered to support it. The completion of these steps will ensure you are making the best decision in any situation including ethical decision. (Ethical lens inventory) Ethical lens inventory found my ethical lens to be none periscope or paralysis. Seeing the gifts and weakness of each lens and being able to move fluidly among them to adapt the right tool in each situation. Assuring the best outcome, reasoning skills (rational) are used to determine duties (autonomy) as well as universal rules and systems that will assure fairness and justice for everyone (equality) listen to my intuition. When it comes to my blind spot, I have none. Mature expression of this position has no blind spot, and make it possible for me to see both strength and the weakness of each lens and to harmonize the four core values of autonomy, equality, rationality and sensibility. (Jeffery, 2012, para nature of accounting professional expertise)
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Group Interaction - 4984 Words
Assallammualaikum, salam sejahtera and salam Satu Malaysia. My dear Chair Person, The chairman and all committee members of Santander Bank and fellow friends. My name is †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. and I’m from Softskills Training Consultant will present a speech entitle ‘Problem face in group interaction and way to overcome this problem’. My dear friends, What is group interaction? Groups are a fundamental part of social life. As we will see they can be very small - just two people - or very large. They can be highly rewarding to their members and to society as a whole, but there are also significant problems and dangers with them. All this makes them an essential focus for research, exploration and action. Just how we define†¦show more content†¦Tasks can be grouped into additive, disjunctive, conjunctive, and complex tasks. Groups perform better at some tasks, but worse at other tasks than individuals do. Social loafing and poor coordination are reasons for performance reduction. Effective leadership enhances task performance and maintains social interdependence, but is dependent on the situation. Communication is essential for high productivity and morale, and is changing as a result of technology. Ladies and gentlemen, How To Work With Group Members during Group Discussions When we participate in group discussions, it important to realize that the other members may not share the same views as us. In fact, they may come from a different cultural or ethnic background. Generally, the members of the group will have one of two communication styles, and these are introverted and extroverted. The members who have an extroverted communication form will be outspoken, and will create their thoughts quickly. They may not function well in group discussions that are too quiet. A member who has an introverted communication form will think quietly. They will often listen to what the other members have to say before making a statement. They enjoy being in group discussions where silentShow MoreRelatedA Research On Group Interaction3243 Words  | 13 PagesIn this essay, I aim to explore theory’s based on group interaction. I plan to explore the dynamics of groups, one to one interactions, self-expression within a group setting, and more. To help me do this, I am going to apply relevant theory to a real life group. The group I am going to use in aid of my study, is my St John Ambulance Cadets group. This group consists of around 20 people, aged between 11 and 19. The nature and goals of this group are essentially to learn to be first aiders for theRead MoreRacial And Ethnic Group Interactions949 Words  | 4 PagesRacial and ethnic group interactions occur daily in the world; in Miami, however one can learn from the interactions between differe nt ethnic and racial groups in a workplace setting. Mr. Elman adapted his management style of his apparel factory to the needs of his immigrant workers; his style helped reduce ethnic friction and returned his investment in high production levels and loyalty (Stepick, 92). Mr. Elman was successful in getting his employees to willingly agree to pay a cut, which exemplifiesRead MoreGroup Development And Interaction Theory Essay1872 Words  | 8 PagesGroup Development and Interaction Theory Within the business setting, the shift from yesterday’s â€Å"singular†culture to today’s â€Å"team†culture has brought about a new era of learning, development, and innovation. However, this shift has also brought with it a certain amount of dissatisfaction, conflict, and confusion. This paper will focus on the Tuckman Theory, and discuss how Tuckman’s five stages of group development and interaction applies to the work environment and leadership effectivenessRead MoreThe Effect Of Benzyl Group Of Tus Strengthened The Intermolecular Interactions Toward An Organophosphonate1129 Words  | 5 PagesThe 1H-NMR titration experiment revealed that the benzyl group of TUs strengthened the intermolecular interactions toward an organophosphonate (Figure 3). It has been known that the chemical shift of thiourea N–H changes according to the degree of hydrogen bond with an acceptor (i.e., DMMP), and its association constant (Ka) can be obtained by non-linear regression analysis (Figure 3a).18 The 1H-NMR spectra of TU 1, 2, 4, or 8 in chloroform-d (~100 mM) indicate that the chemical shift of the N–HRead MoreSocial Emotional Development Concerns A Person s Capacity For Mature Interactions With Individuals And Groups1074 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Social-emotional development concerns a person’s capacity for mature interactions with individuals and groups†(Caskey Anfara, 2014). While young adolescents are socially developing in middle school, they are searching for a specific group of peers to call their own. Middle school is a difficult time for students because they are trying to create a personal identity, as well as gaining acceptance from their peers. Additionally, they have special social needs that must to be met in the classroomRead MoreGroup Development and Interaction Theory1914 Words  | 8 PagesGroup Development and Interaction Theory Within the business setting, the shift from yesterday’s â€Å"singular†culture to today’s â€Å"team†culture has brought about a new era of learning, development, and innovation. However, this shift has also brought with it a certain amount of dissatisfaction, conflict, and confusion. This paper will focus on the Tuckman Theory, and discuss how Tuckman’s five stages of group development and interaction applies to the work environment and leadership effectivenessRead MoreLearning English As A Second Language1408 Words  | 6 Pagesconfident belief is that he could learn from his suggestions towards other members drafts and avoid problems they made which was a good point. Jack’s second days’ experiences contributed to his motives in attending peer feedback in which he frequently interaction and interplayed with his good friend in improving each other in writing skills. Some other activities and programs he once attended also left po sitive effect in his collaboration ability, for example, term project, dialogue producing and the role-playRead MoreI Should Work On Improve Future Interactions993 Words  | 4 PagesThis exercise was definitely an eye-opener for me on what I should work on to improve future interactions. The whole process of the feedback was a little hard to listen to but each step was necessary to get good honest feedback. Next comes processing the information and seeing what things I need to work on to become a better leader with the interactions of hearing thoughts on these words. The final step was to figure out a SMART goal that I could use to improve on the liabilities and build off theRead MoreGroup Parent Child Interaction Therapy1510 Words  | 7 PagesResearch Study #2: Group Parent–Child Interaction Therapy Citation: Niec, L. N., Barnett, M. L., Prewett, M. S., Shanley Chatham, J. R. (2016). Group parent–child interaction therapy: A randomized control trial for the treatment of conduct problems in young children. Journal Of Consulting And Clinical Psychology, 84(8), 682-698. Previous Research: Parent management, based on behavioral principles, is considered the best treatment for children with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) or conductRead MoreGroup Interaction During The Transition Stage824 Words  | 4 PagesGroup Interactions Observed Part two of this group counseling session was a time for group members to become comfortable with each other and start expressing feelings and emotions. I watched each group member become honest with themselves and others during this session. Most group members were able to express their purpose in the group and become real with one another (Association for Specialists in Group Work, n.d.). I believe the group worked hard in this transitional stage, while tackling anxiety
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