Easiest Topic Related To An Issue Or Problem In Healthcare Organization To Write Essay About
Monday, January 27, 2020
E-commerce Amazon Innovation
E-commerce Amazon Innovation Does it pay to be the first mover in e-commerce? The case of Amazon.com This case study outlines the advantages and disadvantages of the early adoption of e-commerce using Amazon.com as an example. According to a study, being first in the market does not guarantee large market share. According to Shankar et al leaders in the market for personal computers, video games were covered by late entrants. Hence, order of entry does not necessarily make sure a leadership in the market or continuing rewards. According to the author, imitation over rides innovation in the e-commerce bazaar due to quick technological innovation, fast movement of information and weak patenting laws. Innovation is some times seen as a risk due to the high cost, less chances of survival and imitation. First movers may be able to switch costs as step towards gaining an edge in the e-commerce market. However, that is not long term. It is most advantageous for companies to prevent transfer of knowledge gained through experience since this will create obstruction to new entrants and there will be few competitors. But this is not practical. On the other hand this may create barrier to company as it may continue to invest in obsolete technology. There may be advantages of not being first mover in the e-commerce market. It is very risky for a firm to enter the market when there is uncertainty. Followers learn from mistakes that first movers make and attract customers to towards their product by projecting incumbents product as inferior. First movers may have failures because of the same routines or patterns of conducting business as was before moving to e-commerce. Companies may need to change depending on the type of business, geographical area and cost. Amazon was one of the first companies to have an online book store and is very popular in the US. They do not have a physical store (Just a website), which would take order from customers. Amazon was the only online store that provided after sales service to customers when it allowed customers to search for books that were hard to find. It also offered comparative shopping where the site would give suggestions where else the book could be found. They also introduced member programs where a customer could earn commission by introducing customers to them after every purchase they make. Amazon believes that customers online look for brand names. They also maintained records of customers buying habits and purchase history. They have invested 40% of the revenue in brand building and customer loyalty. Since Amazon is first mover in the market it has set standards so that other can follow the same pattern. The strategies used by Amazon are such that they have a lot of repeat customers and the shoppers become used to buying from them. Innovating and patenting are very important to companies development. Many customers tend to buy from websites that are tried and tested rather than new websites. Hence, it is very important for new companies to follow strict rules and guidelines in order to show that they offer something unique and different from what others do. Reference: Kamel Mellahi, Michael Johnson Does it pay to be a first mover in eCommerce? The case of Amazon.com Coventry Business School, Coventry University, Coventry UK Management Decision 38/7 (2000) 445-452 MCB University Press ISSN 0025-1747
Sunday, January 19, 2020
External Factors Essay
External factors are a number of influencing factors which are not controlled by the company but will impact pricing decisions. It includes of legal, consumer trends, technological, and competitors. Our company focuses on technological and competitor as external factors that influencing price setting on matcha collagen biscuits. Competition factors can look into three areas which are monopoly competition, perfect competition and oligopoly competition. Monopolistic competition is a situation where a single company or group controls the entire output of the market for a given type of product or service with any buyers. Besides, a monopoly is protected from competition by high barriers to entry and the product it produces has no close substitutes. Example of monopolistic competition is water service which supplier of water has no substitutes. Perfect competition is a market structure where there are a large number of buyers and sellers. There are a perfect knowledge of market condition and the price which no individual firm has any influence on the market price. The products in perfect competition are homogeneous which they can be substituted easily. Therefore, the company can entry or exit the industry without affecting the market. An oligopoly competition is a situation in which a particular market or industry is dominated by a small number of firms which compete against each other. There is an element of interdependence in the decision-making of these firms. Example of oligopoly competition are newspaper industry, petrol stations, and airlines. Our product’s price is influence of external factors which is perfect competition. This is because there are many firms produce an identical and homogeneous biscuit in the biscuit market such as Munchy, Tiger, and Jacobs. Besides, they are many sellers in the biscuit market which are Kraft, Julie, and Munchy as well as there is no dominating firm. Therefore, our company is considered as price takers which accepts market price determined by the forces of market demand and supply. Furthermore, all buyers and sellers have perfect knowledge about the prices of biscuits in the market. Hence, our company cannot simply set the price of matcha collagen biscuits to maximize its profit, this will cause our product easily substitute with another brand of biscuits. Moreover, our company has complete freedom of entry into and exit from the biscuit market without affecting the entire market. Technology is a business enabler that has a revolutionary impact on the actual conduct of business. It contributes to achieving desired business productivity and efficiency. Under technological, our company using advanced technology on manufacturing operation to produce matcha collagen biscuits. Examples, our company used the latest techniques and machinery in order to increase the production as well as maximize capacity. Furthermore, the creation of databases and electronic communications in our company have enabled vast quantities of information to be shared and quickly distributed within the company. Moreover, our company’s customer service department used communication technology to talk to customer but will also have access to internal systems, such as technology to simplify credit control and stock control. Therefore, shifts in technology and advances may affect costs, quality and overall innovation of our product which becomes a major factor of setting the right price f or matcha collagen biscuits.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Relationships between critical thinking and ethics Essay
Critical thinking plays a huge role in ethics. Critical thinking is a clear and rational, open minded and informed. Ethics is moral principles that govern a person or group behavior and rule of conduct. Critical thinking is a form of fiction and identifying the unknown. Critical thinking develops a mental process of evaluation which helps to determine their ethical standards. By incorporating the critical thinking process into their mindset it enables them more effectively to make a decision based upon truths and verified information rather than unknown. There are steps to take in regards to thinking critically, and they should follow as listed in order to make a rational decision; step one; (knowledge) being able to identify what is being said. Step two (comprehension) understanding the material, you make the knowledge that you acquired your own by relating it to what you already know. The better involve, the better you comprehend. Step three. (Apply) Know what you have read, heard, seen and comprehend it and carry out some task to apply what you comprehend to an actual situation. Step four (analysis) breakdown what you read, heard and seen into components in order to make clear. Step five (synthesis) the ability to put together the part you have analyzed with other information to create something original. Step six (evaluation) occurs once you have understood and analyzed what is said or written, and the reason offered to support it. The completion of these steps will ensure you are making the best decision in any situation including ethical decision. (Ethical lens inventory) Ethical lens inventory found my ethical lens to be none periscope or paralysis. Seeing the gifts and weakness of each lens and being able to move fluidly among them to adapt the right tool in each situation. Assuring the best outcome, reasoning skills (rational) are used to determine duties (autonomy) as well as universal rules and systems that will assure fairness and justice for everyone (equality) listen to my intuition. When it comes to my blind spot, I have none. Mature expression of this position has no blind spot, and make it possible for me to see both strength and the weakness of each lens and to harmonize the four core values of autonomy, equality, rationality and sensibility. (Jeffery, 2012, para nature of accounting professional expertise)
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Group Interaction - 4984 Words
Assallammualaikum, salam sejahtera and salam Satu Malaysia. My dear Chair Person, The chairman and all committee members of Santander Bank and fellow friends. My name is †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. and I’m from Softskills Training Consultant will present a speech entitle ‘Problem face in group interaction and way to overcome this problem’. My dear friends, What is group interaction? Groups are a fundamental part of social life. As we will see they can be very small - just two people - or very large. They can be highly rewarding to their members and to society as a whole, but there are also significant problems and dangers with them. All this makes them an essential focus for research, exploration and action. Just how we define†¦show more content†¦Tasks can be grouped into additive, disjunctive, conjunctive, and complex tasks. Groups perform better at some tasks, but worse at other tasks than individuals do. Social loafing and poor coordination are reasons for performance reduction. Effective leadership enhances task performance and maintains social interdependence, but is dependent on the situation. Communication is essential for high productivity and morale, and is changing as a result of technology. Ladies and gentlemen, How To Work With Group Members during Group Discussions When we participate in group discussions, it important to realize that the other members may not share the same views as us. In fact, they may come from a different cultural or ethnic background. Generally, the members of the group will have one of two communication styles, and these are introverted and extroverted. The members who have an extroverted communication form will be outspoken, and will create their thoughts quickly. They may not function well in group discussions that are too quiet. A member who has an introverted communication form will think quietly. 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