Easiest Topic Related To An Issue Or Problem In Healthcare Organization To Write Essay About
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Benefits of Narrative Therapy Essay - 1873 Words
Narrative Therapy In the early 80’s a new theory garnered acclaim in psychotherapeutic circles. It is called Narrative therapy and has its roots in a postmodern idea known as constructivism. Ian Ridgway (2005) defines constructivism this way, â€Å"Humans create meaning within social contexts because it is believed either that reality is essentially without meaning or its true meaning is beyond us.†Michael White and David Epston are the two most prominent figures in the development of Narrative Therapy. White and Epston recognized a shift in how people construct meaning for their lives and believed that to help a client it was important to deconstruct the stories in his or her life the client would naturally alter the behavior (Nichols,†¦show more content†¦He also was attracted to Gregory Bateson’s ideas about how communication affects one’s interpretation of the world. These circumstances led directly to White’s development of narrative therapy and hi s concept of problems seeking to control people rather than the outcome of how people function. According to White, by deconstructing the oppressive narratives in their lives people can construct positive stories in place of negative ones (Nichols, 2010). The other prominent individual in the establishment of narrative therapy is David Epston. Born in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada in 1944, he received his degree in Sociology and Anthropology from Auckland University of New Zealand in 1969 (Wikipedia, 2010). He worked closely with Michael White to develop a narrative approach to therapy. Some of Epston’s greatest contributions to narrative therapy stress the importance of support groups to help clients maintain healthy approaches to dealing with problems as well as sending letters to clients to give them reminders to assist them in living out their new stories (Nichols 2010). Narrative therapists do not adhere to a traditional view of how people behave or develop normally. In many psychotherapy settings the counselor will have a basic understanding of what is normal and abnormal. However, a narrative counselor does not make this assessment, but rather attempts to avoid makingShow MoreRelatedTherapeutic Techniques and Components of Narrative Therapy621 Words  | 3 Pagestechniques and components of narrative therapy and give examples of how to operationalize this approach. Narrative therapy is an emerging psychological technique that has gained considerable popularity since its inception in the 1970s and 1980s. It allows the patient to externalize the problem and when this psychotherapy is applied properly, it endows the patient with a fresh, more productive perspective to apply to their problematic situation (Freedman, Combs, 1996). Narrative therapy assumes a more openRead MoreNarrative Analysis : Narrative Therapy757 Words  | 4 PagesNarrative therapy is one of the post-modern therapies used today. Narrative therapy helps individuals identify their values, skills, and knowledge they have to effectively face problems in their lives. The key ideas of narrative therapy are: people’s stories give meaning to their lives, stories are shaped by emotional themes, a person’s story shapes his/her personality, people seek counseling when their stories do not match their lived experiences, and people who have less social power benefit greatly Read MoreCbt And Narrative Therapy For My Client s Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Diagnosis Essay1747 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Throughout the semester, we analyzed two very different treatment modalities of therapeutic interventions. These methods were Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Narrative Therapy. The framework and strategy behind each of these concepts could benefit a particular client depending on diagnosis and various other factors. Moreover, in some instances, a combination of both therapeutic interventions may be most constructive. In this paper, I will introduce my client and provide detailsRead MoreNarrative Therapy : My Identity And Beliefs1199 Words  | 5 Pagesbecause I am a female, and immigrant, and was raised in poverty. Accordingly, after exploring several theories during my first year of graduate school, I concluded that Narrative Therapy best â€Å"fits†my identity and beliefs. Narrative Therapy is one of several postmodern therapies that include Solution Focused and Collaborative Therapy. The postmodern lens emphasizes on eliminating the erroneous belief that therapists are experts in their client’s lives and can easily fix problems. As a result, I learnedRead MoreThe Use Of The Beck Hopelessness Scale ( Bhs )1190 Words  | 5 Pagesthe leading causes of compulsive suicidal attempts. Analysis of Theoretical Basis The theoretical basis for working with someone with dependency and depression can be narrative therapy along with cognitive behavioral therapy. Narrative therapy is from the theoretical approach that individuals have their own unique narratives (Phipps Vorster, 2015). The intervention approached should be gentle with caution to translate what the client’s story means to them and guide them towards change inRead MoreThe Advantages Of Geneal Therapy : The Benefits Of Group Therapy808 Words  | 4 PagesBenefits of Group Therapy The implementation of group therapy for substance abuse treatment is common practice within the many levels of treatment intensities, from outpatient counseling to residential inpatient. It has been proven to be not only cost-effective, but just as effective as helping client reach treatment goals as individual counseling (Van Wormer Davis, 2018). Groups, while they present their own sources of challenges, the group dynamic provides clients with wonderful learning opportunitiesRead MoreTrauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy1299 Words  | 6 Pagesaccident, domestic violence, natural disaster) of a close individual (Faust Katchen, 2004). (Faust et al., 2004)The fourth factor emphasizes that age may be a factor in children’s responses to traumatic events which thus determines the course of therapy (Faust Katchen, 2004). (Faust et al., 2004)Very young children struggle with cognitive components of cognitive-behavioral intervention strategies because it exceeds their developmental capabilities (Faust Katchen, 2004). (Faust et al., 2004)AsRead MoreEvidence Based Research : Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy1207 Words  | 5 Pagesresearch suggests trauma focused cognitive behavior therapy (TB-CBT) is a particularly effective model to use with individuals who has experienced childhood trauma. TB-CBT is evidence-based; it is a treatment model that was designed to assist children, adolescents, and their families to overcome the damaging effects of traumatic experiences. Eye movement and desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), is another evidence-based treatment that uses therapy to process distressing memories, with the goal ofRead MoreOccupational Therapy And Eating Disorder Recovery1438 Words  | 6 Pages I struggled to find an occupational therapist to interview for this assignment. Without knowing the big movers in the field of occupational therapy and eating disorder recovery, I felt I was grasping at nothing. I did actively p ursue many authors of papers that focused on OT and ED but received no response. This was regardless of my mode of communication, zero phone calls back and emails unresponsive. I decided to change my approach to this and stepped outside of the field of OT. This is when IRead MoreThe Most Damaging Types Of Trauma1730 Words  | 7 PagesTrauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy (TF-CBT), to serve as a specialized treatment approach to responding to the needs to these youth. TF-CBT helps children that have experienced traumatic events overcome the symptoms that may be left behind. According to the National Center for Child Traumatic stress, TF-CBT provides education and understanding of common reactions and symptoms that may result from sexual abuse and other forms of trauma. This type of therapy helps the child to understand their
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Dietary Guidelines For The 2015 Community Health Needs...
When it comes to fruit and vegetable, accessibility and affordability are not the only factors that play a role if someone will consume them. This can be depicted in the 2015 Community Health Needs Assessment where of those who were surveyed, only 36.8% of adults in the medium to high-income level reported consuming the recommended daily fruit and vegetable intake. In the USDA’s recently released 2015-2020 dietary guidelines for Americans, the guidelines suggest that individual factors such as knowledge, skills and personal preferences can also have an impact on if someone will eat more fruits and vegetables (USDA, 2016). At some point in our lives, we are all taught that we should eat fruits and vegetables because they are good for us. However, for some individuals, this is as far as the education on the topic goes. Having a true understanding of why we need to eat fruits and vegetables, what to look for when we go to buy them, how to store them when you bring them home, an d how to go about preparing them while keeping the nutritional benefits in tact are topics that can help enhance an individual’s likeliness to eat fruits and vegetables more regularly. In an effort to increase knowledge, skills, and attitudes regarding fruits and vegetables, local health departments, health systems, community centers, and other local affiliates would come together to create a Community Nutrition Education Program. This program would comprise of registered dietitians, nutritionists, andShow MoreRelatedThe Quad Cities Area Adult Population1445 Words  | 6 PagesThe Quad Cities Area adult population generally fails to meet the USDA’s recommended dietary guideline of consuming at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day, with only 35.7% reporting meeting these guidelines (Professional Research Consultants, 2015). This policy analysis will review current community efforts within the Quad Cities area that are concentrating on improving fruit and vegetable consumption of area adults. Additional policy options to help increase access, knowledge andRead MorePersonal Health Organization Defines Good Nutrition1556 Words  | 7 PagesPersonal Nutrition Case Study The World Health Organization defines good nutrition as an â€Å"adequate, well-balanced diet combined with regular physical activity†(World Health Organization, 2017). It is often difficult for a college student to maintain good nutrition due to a very limited income. An inadequate amount of time to exercise and prepare/eat meals also plays a role in a college student’s nutritional habits. Most college students toss good nutrition out the window and migrate towards foodsRead MoreThe Incidence Of Oesophago Gastric Essay1530 Words  | 7 Pageshas increased in the UK (Allum et al., 2011). The UK benchmarks for OG cancer highlight the need for individualised nutritional counselling and weekly dietetic follow up. However a universal standard of nutritional care is lacking in this patient group (Allum et al., 2011) The incidence of malnutrition in cancer patients ranges from 40-80% (Ollenschlanger et al. 1991). With a lack of consistent assessment indicators or definitions for malnutrition, malnutrition can become under-diagnosed. MalnutritionRead MoreEffects Of Obesity On Health And Illness983 Words  | 4 Pagesactivities. (Rausch et al, 2015). It is imperative to provide direct services to children and their families, education, and counseling to promote healthy lifestyles. Obesity appears to be more prevalent in low-income family sectors of American society regardless of the type of community. Diet is one of the most significant contributors to health and illness. It is widely known and accepted that excessive intake of certain nutrients, or lack of nutrients can adversely affects health. Research mentionedRead MoreEthics And Standards Of Practice1746 Words  | 7 Pages2016). The NMC code (2015) states that informed consent should be gained fully before any treatment commences, makin g sure everything is documented. Keeping patient information confidential is a legal obligation, therefore patients need to be made aware that information may have to be disclosed to other healthcare professionals involved in their care (Department of Health, 2010). If the patient does not give informed consent it would be unlawful to carry out any assessment or treatment, followingRead MoreChildhood Obesity Has Reached Global Epidemic Status1297 Words  | 6 Pagesweight increase after it has been successfully lost (Mahmood, 2015). Primarily, the strategy should be to address the controllable factors of obesity by educating children and parents/guardians on the risk factors and the strategies and/or methodologies for successful prevention and control. Several studies have explored such interventions during well-care visits and coordinated approaches in school environments and within the community at large. Well-care visits provide a good opportunity for nurseRead MoreRelationship Between The Registered Nurse And Allied Health Team Members Essay2167 Words  | 9 PagesPart A of this assessment introduced a 77year old, Italian man named Luigi, a retired accountant who has lived with his wife in Australia for the past 40 years, together th ey have 1 son. Luigi has had declining health issues for 15 years due to poorly controlled type 2 diabetes, resulting with a diagnosis of chronic renal failure. Luigi has now been hospitalised. This essay will discuss the importance for Luigi to develop self-management, empowerment and advocacy skills. It will demonstrate the roleRead MoreHealth Promotion : Theories And Models1660 Words  | 7 PagesHealth promotion utilises theories and models to guide practice. A theory is the general principles of a framework of ideas in regards to a particular topic. (Merriam-webster.com, 2016) A model is a set plan of action based on theoretical ideas to achieve a set goal. (Merriam-webster.com, 2016) The difference between a theory and a model is that a theory is related to evidence based knowledge and a model is built on this knowledge although it is presented as a process to reach certain targets. TheRead More Childhood Obesity: A Public Health Issue Essay2551 Words  | 11 Pages(Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 2015). Even more frightening is the growth rate of this crippling health epidemic; between 1980 and 2014, obesity has doubled for adults and tripled for children (CDC, 2015). The physical consequences of rising obesity rates in our country include an abundance of physical ailments including type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea, arthritis, elevated cholesterol, and even some cancers. Additionally, obesity-related health care costs to our country are estimatedRead MoreA Case Study Scenario That Provides Situations We May Face As Future Nurses1936 Words  | 8 Pagesto us about Mr. Martinez to the determinants of health according to Healthy People 2020, and determine health literacy and competency concerns, health policies, and set SMART goals while using Tanner’s model. Two wellness nursing diagnosis will be formulated for Mr. Martinez in order to determine the problem and set up goals with promising outcomes. Lastly, primary, secondary and tertiary prevention are encompassed in accordance to the Public Health interventions Wheel. Criterion 1: Tanner’s Model
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Re P11-2 Free Essays
PROBLEM THREE [Min Shan Shih v the Queen 2000 DTC 2072 – Residence] Read the Tax Court of Canada case Min Shan Shih v the Queen 2000 DTC 2072 and explain in your own words the reason for the decision in the case. Solution to P3-3 The taxpayer was found not resident in Canada for the years in question because when all of the facts were considered, the taxpayer never became a resident of Canada. His normal routine of daily living remained in Taiwan (i. We will write a custom essay sample on Re: P11-2 or any similar topic only for you Order Now e. , his work, parents, social ties, etc. ). The taxpayer’s wife and children became resident in Canada so that the children could be educated in Canada. Facts supporting the position that the taxpayer was resident in Canada throughout the years in question, 1997, 1998, and 1999: Taxpayer owned a house in Canada, readily available to him at all times, †¢Taxpayer’s wife and children lived in Canada in the family home throughout the years in question, †¢Taxpayer filed a Canadian tax return for each of the years, †¢Taxpayer gave the family home in Canada as his address on his tax returns, †¢Taxpayer had applied for permanent residence status in Canada for himself and his family, †¢In 1996 the taxpayer and his family were admitted to Canada as landed immigrants, †¢Taxpayer maintained a bank account in Canada jointly with his wife, †¢Taxpayer owned a car in Canada, Taxpayer obtained an Ontario driver’s license and an Ontario health card, †¢Taxpayer was the sole shareholder of a Canadian corporation, †¢In 2000 the taxpayer’s wife and children became citizens of Canada, and †¢The family home in Taiwan was sold prior to coming to Canada. Facts supporting the position that the taxpayer was not resident in Canada throughout the years in question: †¢Taxpayer was employed in Taiwan throughout the years in question, †¢Taxpayer maintained an apartment in Taiwan, Taxpayer’s pay (employment income) was deposited into his Taiwanese bank account, †¢Taxpayer had a Taiwanese driver’s license and pharmacist’s license, †¢All of the taxpayer’s club, church and professional association memberships were in Taiwan, †¢Taxpayer visited Canada only twelve times during the span 1996 – 1999, †¢Taxpayer spent a great deal more time in Taiwan than in Canada, †¢The education of the taxpayer’s children was the reason for coming to Canada and applying for landed immigrant status, †¢Taxpayer never had a permanent connection with Canada, Taxpayer had always lived in Taiwan, †¢Taxpayer was a citizen of Taiwan, †¢The purpose of the taxpayer’s visits to Canada during 1996 – 1999 were to visit his wife and children, †¢Taxpayer had strong family ties in Taiwan, his parents. Based on the facts, the taxpayer was found to be resident in Taiwan during the years in question. Since an individual may be resident in more than one country at the same time, one must question whether he was also resident in Canada. Apart from the presence of his wife and children in Canada, the taxpayer did not have other connections to Canada which would cause him to be resident. The taxpayer did not change his life pattern in Taiwan after he was admitted to Canada as a landed immigrant. If the taxpayer had been found resident in Canada, then his world income, including his Taiwan employment income, should have been reported on his Canadian tax returns for the years in question. How to cite Re: P11-2, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Supply Chain Management Organizational Change
Question: Discuss about the Supply Chain Management for Organizational Change. Answer: Introduction: Main claim of the article The article is based on the changes occur to the organizational development. We have to find out the reason behind the organizational change and why most of them are usually failed. The change process not done correctly so we have to find out what is wrong in it. Further, the importance of creating a successful change a leader has to pay attention that based on emotion and recognition. Make organization change that downsizing effort without a big change in the main structure or process only gives a short term improvement. So in this article, are trying to find out the decision or change in organizational structure for long-term improvement and also argue with the failure of the previous decision taken containing errors. Readership of the article It is a business topic and here we trying to find out the reason behind the failure of most change efforts to the organization. So this topic is important for the students of business studies, MBA and also for the leaders of the organizations those brings changes in their organizational structure. The present material in the article There are countless articles on organizational development and changes. At first, we have to identify why organizational changes are adopted. Secondly, the reasons behind the failure of this change process to the organization. Therefore the importance of creating a successful change for the transformation of the change that is, effective to the organization. The study of the literature is on organizational changes for the low-level track record of major change (Canato Ravasi, 2015). The evidence fact of the research If we find out the reason of the failure of most change efforts then we can easily improve the changes to overcome the failure. According to Harvard Business School Prof. Jhon Kotter the reason of the failure is: Objectives of the fact The reason why the changes are implemented is not discussed. Also, fail to make an influential guiding partnership which communicates the requirements for change. Challenging visions and goals of the change is not underestimating. There is a problem with to converse the vision to several stakeholders. Also granting obstacles for closing the accomplishment of vision is a reason for failure. In order to achieve short term win, it generates eagerness, as well as self-assurance to the employee, is a reason to fail the change. Personal experience and opinion Analyzing these reasons often lead to unenthusiastic penalty as well as the very poor performance of the change plans are not so effective. To avoid identified errors are made because of the in the appropriate character of managers'. There are a very little choice-makers who competent of transforming the thoughts and required guideline to lead a concerted effort to lead the change. There are also questions arises about the leader's ignorance to the changing guideline and framework. The reasons are not selective for all organization. Organizations have different reasons for the failure. Some selective reasons are not applicable for all. Aside from Kotters identified reasons another important reason for that change effort fails is ideas of organizational change is just an illusion. Individual organization changes their efforts according to their behaviour. The significant point here comes out like it is an individual change or else not. Present key arguments regarding the sources of change and organizational risks If a change effort fails to create positive outcomes then the change is not initiated by the organization. Most change efforts, as well as their methods for the change, attempted for engaging brain to a certain extent of emotions. In "Managing Changes: The art of balancing ", by Jeanie Daniel Duck we found the importance of emotions rather than the mind. Managers and the employees were informed for checking their opinions at the door, this is a massive mistake. If the employee's feelings are not accessible to managers, then the worker's emotions are valued less. If a large organization failed to attach directly to their people during values which about ideas and values, it does not improve their work. Sometimes negative emotions of people help for improvement in the changes. If a company does not allow their workers to work with their head and mind then the company cannot take their emotions that are essential to the new management style. One more merits are point out from Duck's article that bringing heart soul and spirit into the workless. The important thing can be identified from the recent that on the emotional intelligence part, one's unprofessional or emotional status may affect other individuals (Bowkett, 2007). Also, all of the stakeholders can gain to deal with Intra as well as interpersonal feelings to achieve the success of personal as well as organizational. The Judgement of the argument Appropriately balanced All the research work regarding this issue is trying to find out the reasons behinds the failure of the change efforts. Their works are not similar most of them are more likely to be biased. But there are also some arguments. The errors that Kotter has identified that based on the inappropriate behaviour of the leaders that means the error consists and observable actions, set up goals and team management skills are a poor level that leads the changes to negative outcomes. It is critical to ask from the viewpoint of behaviour, what is our next step to improve the achievement for leading change. To minimized the risks and maintain current system is the responsibilities of a manager. New change requires minimizing the involve risk to create a new system. Every change must require a proper leadership to overcome. Leadership established a new way to the organization by stirring persons for changing their behaviour and schedule with the fresh direction and how to overcome obstacles to change. There is a big contradiction for the commitment of a change engage the mind rather than emotions. Kotter and Dan Cohen have analyzed the fact to motivate people to the change. The managers began to judge the feelings of a collision of the message for speaking organizational modification from recent time (Shiang-Yen, Idrus, Wong, 2013). Response message of persons on "see" as well as "feel" create a visible response those individuals will change their behaviour greater. This fact alone inspires citizens of few organizations to commit to specific, challenging goals. According to Ducks it is a great mistake to an organization that its manager and workers are told to ensure their opinions to the door. Fundamentally changes about feelings to a company that allows their labors for working through their heads as well as minds to recognize their feelings which are necessary for the style of new management. The issue is not the people is giving negative or positive emotions, in fact, the large organization has more successful changed program that is connected with their people directly through values about their beliefs and feelings. For every step of the change process, workers should communicate with the people's view in the organization. In this article, we are trying to find out the changes that have positive outcomes for the organization. Not only take the right decision and setting up goals but also the view of the people related to this are also very important to make the change successful. In every step to carry out one leader must look over the people emotions related to it. An organization should allow the workers to work with their hearts and brain to make the changes successful. Every short term wins should celebrate to maintain confidence and enthusiasm of employee for further progress. Leaders have to provide proper guidance to the change. An organization should create a clear creative and viable vision that paints a simple picture in people's mind so they can visualize the requirements for making it original. People also consider the goal is meaningful and directly put their feelings and views in it and put out the effort of creating the change positively. This reading contains some views about the organizational change. In some cases, they have similarity in their views but there is also difference according to their research work. As likely the leading change is failed as they have not properly guided. But failure also happens due to the lack of the communication between people and the organization. As people beliefs and views are needed to create a successful change. Also, the emotions of the workers are also needed for the successful changes. In the reading offers, several perspectives are more balanced. The counter argument is not expressed strongly but some question arises in this business literature that what kind of people facing the problems and the solutions and require effective needs are not discussed. According to Mr. Spock, this article misguided as focusing only on the emotions. If any leader wants to make easy of the organizational change, then they must utilize the appeal as well as the cause of the emotions. Here some questions on changes that why the change effort is adopted is not discussed clearly and the net effect of the change are not clear and the effects on the chains on the people are also not clear. The changes are required to living changes as well as it becomes illustration desirable behaviors are a single way to make sure that the change will be implemented in corporate culture. What was ignored in this business literature to see or feel problems of people reinforce changed behaviours? I have questions about the organizational changes why it should take new changes. And what is the net effect of the changes to that organization? And hope people related to that organization will be affected by that particular change. The contribution of the article for the topic of change management In this overall topic is all about the changes to the organization. It discusses the reason why the changes are failed to bring about the success. Some similar argument on the reason is described. The role of the leader and the emotions of the people to that changes is how much important is clearly shown. What steps should take to every process of the change is find out. General Problems The general problems arise in this topic that is the role of the leaders and lack of the communication to the people related to this chain management ("Special Topic Forum on Supply Chain Management in Emerging Markets: Critical Research Issues", 2013). The people emotions are most effective to make change positive outcomes. Conclusion: Learning from the article After studying the article I find out the major problems why most of the chain management become the failure. It gives a clear idea about the reason why most of the changes have failed though they set their challenges and goals. The people emotions are also a very important thing to the changes and the worker should give the freedom to work with their hearts and brains. But there also some questions arise about the changes and most of the research works are similar. There is a negative point in this article that there is no clear idea about the solution to prevent the failure of the changes. Strength of the article The articles had a strong idea about the issue of failure of the changes in the organizational field. It will help to make success every step of the changes to make sure the way positive. It also gives information to the leaders that how much the feelings of their workers are needed to make a change success. It also gives a clear idea about the people emotions to the change and takes any change every organization should carefully look over the people response about the change. Person read the article If a business related person wants to make some change for new style management he should read carefully this article and this article give him the idea to prevent the failure of his change that he want to occur. This article is also very helpful for a research work on business studies. References Bowkett, S. (2007).Emotional intelligence. London: Network Continuum Education. Canato, A. Ravasi, D. (2015). Managing long-lasting cultural changes.Organizational Dynamics,44(1), 75-82. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.orgdyn.2014.11.009 Shiang-Yen, T., Idrus, R., Wong, W. (2013). ERP Misfit-Reduction Strategies.Journal Of Global Information Management,21(1), 59-81. https://dx.doi.org/10.4018/jgim.2013010104 Special Topic Forum on Supply Chain Management in Emerging Markets: Critical Research Issues. (2013).J Supply Chain Manag,49(2), 138-138. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jscm.12025
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