Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Child at the Playground Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A Child at the Playground - Essay Example The researcher states that one day, while he was waiting at his bus-stop to catch his homeward bound bus, the author’s attention was arrested by a shrill ringing of a bell. The researcher looked around him and noticed a daycare center just behind his bus-stop. A noisy stream of children was released into the outdoors for their play time. The author saw at a glance that the playground was filled with equipment. They looked as if they were self-assembled items from Marston's book. The children lost no time in reaching for their favorite playthings. There was general pandemonium as they rushed to be the first to use their favorites. They looked as happy as larks, screaming and shouting in their excitement. Their teacher stood at attentive observation at her post just in front of the front gate. She was facing the children and had her back to the author. The researcher could stare as long as he liked without fear of any reprisals from the adult. The children did not mind me lookin g at them. They were too busy at play to notice a stranger at the bus-stop staring at them. One child particularly caught the author’s attention. She was a small, fair-haired girl. She stood patiently by the swing and was waiting her turn. However, the bigger boy who was using the sole swing gave no sign of indication that he was ready to share the swing and vacate his hold over it. The little girl grew tired of waiting and simply walked away. She did not proceed to the other playthings but had squatted down to the grassy ground and was plucking selected grass to gather in a bunch. She was as patient as an experienced gardener, seemingly intent on her task. Although she was alone, she did not look forlorn. She looked as if she was enjoying herself in her preoccupation. She did not interact nor play along with the crowd. The researcher was puzzled as to why she behaved as she did. Soon, the author’s doubts vaporized. The little girl walked over to the rabbit hutch and d eposited her offerings for the rabbit. She looked delighted, enjoying the sight of the fruits of her labor. Pretty soon, another girl joined her at the hutch. Then another child and yet another. It was evident that the children were now fascinated with the rabbit. The children made a commotion in their excitement to feed the rabbit. There was a frenzy of grass plucking. The researcher lost sight of the little girl as her friends crowded around her. The author saw a sea of excited children giving tribute to a new found leader. The author knew that she must be feeling pleased to have initiated such an interest in the rabbit.

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